Written Scheme of Examination
A Written Scheme of Examination (Written Scheme / WSE) is a document that is required prior to use of a pressure system.
This is a legal requirement as documented in the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.
At Design Air we can produce a Written Scheme of Examination for you and carry out the examinations required against this.
Written Scheme of Examination FAQs

What is a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE)?
The Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) is simply a document that is required for most pressure systems and includes details such as;
- Safety components of the system that require examination
- The nature of examination to be performed
- The maximum length of time between examinations
If you have duties placed upon you under the PSSR as an owner or operator of a pressure system, it is a legal requirement that you have this in place.

Do I Need a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) for my Pressure System?
Under PSSR, if you have a pressure system with a pressure x volume greater than 250 barlitres and a relevant fluid, you have a duty to ensure you have a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) in place prior to using the system.
This is a legal requirement under PSSR and is enforced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Failure to have a written scheme of examination in place could lead to unlimited fines or prosecution from HSE.

I Have a Brand New System, Do I Need a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) Before I Use it?
Every piece of equipment that falls under the scope of the PSSR is required to have a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) produced before it is used.
This is applicable to brand new equipment as well as aged equipment. So in short, if you have a brand new system that has just been installed, you should have a competent person draw up a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) before this is put into operation.

How Regularly Does My Pressure Equipment Need Examined Under The Written Scheme of Examination (WSE)?
The competent person who draws up your Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) will determine the frequency and type of examination that needs to be carried out on an item by item basis.
The frequency of examinations against the Written Scheme is typically once per year, but this can vary depending on the type of equipment and condition.

Is an Examination The Same Thing That my Service Providers do on my Compressor Annually?
It is a common misconception by many of our customers that because we are servicing / maintaining their compressed air or nitrogen system, that this covers the requirements for an examination as set out by the Written Scheme of Examination.
Examinations of safety critical components should be carried out at intervals defined in your WSE and is a separate job from carrying out maintenance on your equipment.
We can however save costs by carrying out both your service and examination against your WSE on the same visit.
Can Design Air Produce a Written Scheme of Examination for me And Carry Out Examinations Against This?
If you have identified that you need a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) put in place, at Design Air we can help. Get in touch with us for a quick chat about your pressure system and we’ll be able to give you some advice on what your next steps should be as well as a budget cost for producing a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE). If you choose to go ahead, we would carry out an initial examination on your pressure system and produce a Written Scheme of Examination for this system to utilise going forward. We can also build in your examinations to occur at the same time as a service visit to help reduce some hassle and costs for you.