PSSR Regulations

More often than not, we find that our customers are legally obliged to comply with the Pressure System Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR).

PSSR imposes duties on users of installed compressed air and nitrogen systems relating to their use at work.

If you are unsure if you have legal duties under PSSR, or if you need a Written Scheme of Examination put in place and an examination carried out, Design Air can help.

Contact us for more information

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 FAQs

PSSR Consultation

What are the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000?

The aim of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 is to prevent serious injury resulting from the failure of a pressure system or one of its component parts.

The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 imposes duties upon owners and users of installed pressure systems such as compressed air and nitrogen generation systems.

It is a legal responsibility to meet any duties placed upon you under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.

PSSR Consultation

Do I Have Duties Under PSSR Regulations?

If your pressure system has each of the below components:

  • A pressure vessel or pipework
  • Pressure at 0.5bar above atmospheric
  • Compressed Air or Nitrogen Gas

Then PSSR Regulations will likely apply, and if so, as a user of the system you have a legal responsibility to ensure that you are meeting the duties outlined in the regulations.

PSSR Consultation

How do I Comply with PSSR?

The PSSR states “The user of an installed system and owner of a mobile system shall not operate the system or allow it to be operated unless he has established the safe operating limits of that system.”

It is also a requirement of the PSSR that the user of an installed system cannot operate it until they have a Written Scheme of Examination in place.

If you don’t currently have a Written Scheme of Examination in place, we can produce this for you and help you comply with your duties under the PSSR.

Contact us for a quote to produce a Written Scheme of Examination for your system

PSSR - Why Should I Be Concerned About My Duties Under The Regulations?

As an owner or operator of a pressure system, you should be aware that these systems can contain a significant amount of stored energy. This stored energy can pose a serious hazard.

Failure of a pressure system or one of its components could give rise to release of this stored energy in an uncontrolled manner. This in turn has the potential to cause serious damage or harm to anything or anyone in the vicinity.

The duties placed upon you as the owner / operator of a pressure system under the PSSR are a legal requirement and this is enforced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). If the regulations are not adhered to, unlimited fines or prosecution by the HSE are both possible.

By fulfilling the duties placed upon you under PSSR, you are helping to ensure that your pressure system is safe to operate and use and also keeping yourself legally compliant.

PSSR Consultation
PSSR Consultation

Contact Design Air For Advice on PSSR and Your Responsibilities Under This

Misusing compressed air or nitrogen can be extremely dangerous and have serious consequences. As such it is vital to ensure that your pressure system is safe to use for you and any operators. If you ignore your obligations under PSSR, you could be exposing users of the system to significant risk.

By arranging a consultation with one of our experts, you will receive the correct and relevant advice on what your next steps should be to help ensure PSSR compliance and help ensure that your system is safe to use.

If you do have duties under PSSR, and you don’t currently have a Written Scheme of Examination, we can produce this for you for you to help you ensure that your equipment is safe to use and to establish safe operating limits. Click here for more info on Written Schemes of Examination.

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