Food Grade Compressed Air Audit
Whether you are trying to achieve a higher BRC Grade or simply looking to increase customer confidence in your products quality, we at Design Air can help you realise these goals with a Food Grade Compressed Air Audit.
What Are The Benefits of an Audit?

Helps you meet HACCP Process
Following the BCAS Food & Beverage Compressed Air Best Practice Guideline will help you meet your HACCP Process requirements.

Reduce BRC Non-Conformance's
Carrying out an audit will identify areas that could be flagged up as Non-Conformances. Where this is the case we will propose solutions to remedy this and avoid the non-conformance before it’s identified.

Increase Consumer Confidence
Following the BCAS Food & Beverage Compressed Air Best Practice Guideline will help to increase client and consumer confidence in your product, and the industry.
What's Involved?

Initial Interview & Goal Setting
You tell us what goals you would like to achieve and we will work together towards meeting them. At this stage we also look to identify key personnel and resources required for the process. Thereafter we will conduct a brief interview to determine if you have considered compressed air within your HACCP or pre-requisite programmes and what controls if any are currently in place.
Data Collection
During this stage we help you to identify;
- Where compressed air could come in to contact with the product
- What compressed air contaminants could be present at these points
- Whether the contact points are classified as direct or in-direct contact
Analysis & Assessment
Following collection of all required data, we will spend some time at our offices to analyse and assess your system against the Food & Beverage Compressed Air Best Practice Guideline. This guideline was produced by the British Compresed Air Society (BCAS) alongside the British Retail Consortium (BRC).
Report Findings
Following our assessment, we will produce a full report for you detailing the results of assessment and any areas where you currently fail to meet the Food & Beverage Compressed Air Best Practice Guideline.
Propose Solutions
Where we have identified any areas that you currently don’t meet the standard within the Food & Beverage Compressed Air Best Practice Guideline , we will propose a solution for you that will bring your compressed air system in to compliance with this. Any solution we propose will contribute to achieving the goals we set out with you at the beginning of the process.