Compressed Air Energy Audit

Let us at Design Air help you identify significant savings on your electrical costs each year by carrying out an energy audit for you.

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Typical 10 Tear Lifecycle Cost Analysis of Compressed Air System

Why Have a Compressed Air Energy Audit Carried Out?


The majority of cost associated with owning and operating a compressed air system is the energy cost associated with running the equipment, over a typical 10 year lifecycle over 90% of the cost is associated with running the equipment, only 10% is buying and servicing.

Saving Opportunity

The biggest opportunity to save on the total cost of ownership is to increase the energy efficiency of your compressed air system thus reducing your energy costs. Reducing your maintenance scope and purchasing cheaper less efficient equipment will typically cost you more over the lifespan of the equipment.


Have Design Air carry out an energy audit for you to identify solutions that could save you significantly on your annual electrical costs. Often these solutions will not cost you anything to implement thus giving you an immediate return on investment!

Initial Interview & Goal Setting

Initially we would conduct a brief interview with you to determine what goals you would like to achieve by having the audit carried out as well as identifying key personnel and resources involved in the process.

Survey the Compresed Air System

This is likely the longest part of the process but the most critical to help achieve your desired goals. At this stage we would record details of equipment and survey the complete system including;

  • Compressed air generation (compressors, receivers, dryers, filters and condensate treatment)
  • Compressed air distribution system (pipework ringmains, headers and drops)
  • Compressed air usage points (application, pressure, consumption if known)

Data Logging

We will install a data logger in each compressor room. Every second this will measure your systems Power consumption, Pressure and estimated Flow, logging the results over the course of a week. We can also where required install / log the flow results from flow meters in order to measure actual flow vs. having this estimated.

Leak Detection

Whilst the data logging is being carried out, we would recommend a complete ultrasonic leak detection for you. This will help to identify the majority of air leaks within your system to help fully assess areas of wasted energy costs. Why invest in oversized compressors / dryers when reducing your leakage rate could result in a requirement for smaller and cheaper to run equipment?

Analysis and Assessment

Once we have received the data from our loggers and leak detection, we will graph the results and spend time at our offices analysing the results. This analysis will be performed by an engineer who holds a diploma in Compressed Air Management dipCAM to ensure that you receive the best possible advice.

Report Production and Proposals

Following the analysis, we will produce a full report on your Compressed Air Systems operation and electrical energy efficiency. You will be provided with a grade depending on how close your system is to the most electrically efficient system you could be running. Depending on what goals you set at our initial meeting, we will issue you with an improvement plan and proposals to help reduce your annual electrical energy costs. Each proposal for improvement will come with an estimated annual electrical energy cost saving and thus return on investment calculation.

Talk to a Compressed Air Specialist Today!

For a quote on any of our services, get in touch with a friendly member of the team today and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements.

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01236 751922